Tuesday, November 14, 2006


We enjoyed taking part in Sandra Skibsted's documentary production at Ice Art 2006. The last I heard, Sandra was shopping screeners around to various broadcasters in the UK and was in the process of hiring an editor. Hopefully we'll get to see it before long, although I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lars and I end up on the cutting room floor.

Not so with next year's film! My friend, Dan Gottesman, has decided to create a documentary about Lars's and my adventures in mechanical ice sculpture and our quest to build a working ice clock. He is teaming up with Brian Kallies, video producer, and Tamara Kubacki, folklorist, for the endeavor. They hope to make the trip to Fairbanks for Ice Art 2007 and 2008. Crazy.

Dan, Brian, and I played together in a fun band, Flocos, in Chicago several years ago. It's been a long while since Flocos fizzled, but we still can't bear to take down the web site.

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